Discover Your Purpose

Discover your purpose & learn how to live a successful life by honoring what is truly most important to you!

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Hey everyone! Thanks for taking a look at my course, I am certain that this can have a significant impact on your growth & development!

My name is Jéan and I grew up in Johannesburg South Africa, and like many of you I am sure, I had various challenges at home and at school. From a young age I was frustrated by my personal circumstances and felt powerless to be able to do anything about it. After graduating with a degree in engineering and working for a first-tier management consultancy, I realized that in order to achieve my dreams, I needed to STOP doing what everyone else thought to be important and design a life around what I am inspired by.

Shortly after coming to this realization I gave myself permission to build a successful behavioural consulting business, and have for the last 8 years, been studying with the world leader in human behavior (Dr. John Demartini). I have accrued over 4000 hours of consulting with personal and corporate clients in over 10 different countries, and have recently had the opportunity to speak alongside Richard Branson at an Entrepreneurial conference in Zambia.

The biggest takeaway from my background and experience is that I was able to take my passion and turn it into a fulfilling career and I'd love to help you do the same. We all have a desire to live purposefully, and in this course I am going to show you that the secret to your empowerment and success lies in your ability to honor and then leverage that which makes you unique and authentic.

Still unsure if this course has been designed with you in mind, then consider the following:

  • Have you ever been frustrated by your lack of progress?
  • Have you ever wondered why you can’t stay focused?
  • Have you ever wished that you could turn your hobby into a career?
  • Are you tired of trying to do what everyone else says you should do?
  • Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others don't?
  • Have you ever taken the time to get clear on what is really most important to you?

If any of these questions resonated with you, then I am confident that this course will be of value to you! Having worked with different types of individuals across all industries, including students, entrepreneurs, teachers, executives and parents, I have certainty in the fact that each and every one of us have the capacity to live a successful and fulfilled life.

I truly believe that the only barriers which exist are those that we create in our own minds, and in this course we are going to go about dissolving those barriers, and in so doing, give you the tools you need to live authentic and purposeful lives!

"Jéan helped me break through a series of limiting beliefs, and I noticed an immediate change in self-awareness that has since enabled me to act with greater confidence and certainty. This, in turn, has helped me increase my business revenue and act with greater authority."
~ Dave Hompes

"Working with Jéan has been my greatest gift to myself.If you are ready to commit to yourself, face your fears, transcend your beliefs, find out who you really are, create a magnificent life for yourself, discover why you matter and begin to see the purpose of your existence… then look no further."

~ Dr. Jenny Remington Hobbs

"Jéan is talented and gifted in his ability to understand people and to assist them with finding their Jeanious. Jéan is an asset to mankind."
~Dr. Ilze Alberts

"Jéan has demonstrated patience, great insight and a wisdom way beyond his years. He cares deeply for his clients and his enthusiasm for the work is unparalleled."
~Benita Ardenbaum

"Every now and then one comes across someone with an exceptional gift and one is drawn to open up, share, explore and exchange with them in order to grow and learn as a human being."
~ Dr. Kim Jobst

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Determine what is truly most important to you
  • Identify the key drivers influencing your behavior
  • Identify what you would really love to achieve in life
  • Identify the difference between what you would love to do, and what others expect of you to do
  • Increase your productivity and fulfillment at work
  • Take the first step towards building a business around your passion
  • Identify the most important factor influencing your ability to build long term wealth
  • Learn how to to set goals that are authentic (aligned with who you really are, and therefore much more likely of being achieved

We have often heard the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, J.K. Rowling and Gary V discuss how absolutely critical it is to “do you”, to “know who you are” and figure out what "your purpose is”, and although we may listen intently to what they have to say, so many of us just revert back to our old behaviors, we go back to trying to copy others or live according to society’s expectations.

In this course we will show you why so many of us try to emulate what others have done, and then provide you with the principles and tools you need to design a life around that which makes you unique and authentic!

This course includes over 3 hours of video content, a series of interesting quizzes and a number PDF exercises to ensure you gain a thorough understanding of who you truly are and how you can use your unique genius to lead a purposeful and fulfilling life! I really look forward to working with you and hope that you take this opportunity to complete our course on Finding Your Purpose.

I have dedicated my life to helping others find and express their unique purpose, and I know that if you give yourself permission and put in the time and effort required, the vision you have for yourself and the impact you can make on those around you, will increase exponentially!

See you inside!

Your Instructor

Jean Joubert
Jean Joubert

Jéan founded Jeanious Inc. in 2012 as a declaration of his commitment to do whatever it takes to become a genius at helping people awaken their unique genius.

With a background in engineering and business but a love for human behavior, Jéan loves to find practical and grounded ways of applying psychological and philosophical principles that can empower people to realize the highest most truthful expression of themselves.

Having started his first business when he was 18 selling properties to afford the opportunity to get his degree in engineering and eventually working as a business analyst at Accenture, Jéan was constantly driven by his curiosity on how to help people live more meaningful and empowered lives.

This lead to investigating the most useful and powerful tools and methodologies from the world leaders in human behavior and personal development. For the past 8 years he studied with Dr. John Demartini gaining the knowledge and skills to consult with clients across 10 different countries.

Recently Jéan had the opportunity to share his ideas and inspire hundreds of entrepreneurs at a global investment conference while sharing the stage with Sir Richard Branson.

Jéan is a sought-after consultant for individuals and businesses around the world. He presents numerous workshops and courses to inspire, teach and empower individuals on how to succeed in business and life by understanding the hidden dynamics of people.

For more cool stuff, check out Jeanious Inc.

Course Curriculum

  Section 0 - Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4 - Finalizing Your List of Values
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 5 - Defining Your Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 7 - Conclusion and Thanks
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!